Authentication |
Each item we accept is authenticated by our team of luxury experts. ‘It bags’ and items that are identified as higher risk for being counterfeit are put though an additional authentication process. With decades of product and brand specific knowledge we stand behind each authenticated item. If we suspect for any reason a consigned item is not authentic we will reach out to the consigner for a proof of purchase or a repair receipt from the Fashion House. |
Shipping |
We ship within 3 days of receiving your order. We offer curb side or in store pick up at our Walnut Creek location. Currently we ship free to the continental US, with additional charges for AL, HI, Puerto Rico and Guam. Contact us directly regarding international shipping rates. |
Return Policy |
Please note that all purchases are final sale. If you’re considering an item and would like more information before purchasing, please email info@labelsluxury.com and we will be happy to help with questions regarding fit/dimensions, condition or additional images. We want you to love your purchase for a lifetime and, although all sales are final, we will always work with you on an individual basis if your item arrives not as described. *All exchange requests must be made within 2 days from proof of delivery by emailing info@labelsluxury.com Please list the item, purchase date and reason for exchange. |
Authenticity Concern |
If you ever have questions about the authenticity of anything you buy from Labels, contact us at info@labelsluxury.com. We will always re-authenticate the item in question and will refund the purchase price if you are unsatisfied with the results.To authenticate Labels top three handbag and accessory designers, Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, click designer. |